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Release dates are dependent upon weather and growing conditions for the bees, but we estimate that nucs will begin to be ready for release sometime in early  May into early June. They are released on a first ordered/first pickup basis. As they become ready we will contact you to arrange your pickup appointment. When you pick them up they will be robust and ready to go into your equipment. We do not ship nucs. Pick up only  

All nucs are filled with healthy frames of bees, brood, and resources (honey and pollen) with a mated, laying, queen on her own brood. 2 frames brood, 2 frames resources of honey/pollen, and 1 frame will vary, brood, honey or foundation for expansion of the nest.

5-Frame Deep -- A deep five frame nuc with five deep frames.

5-Frame Medium -- A medium five frame nuc with five medium frames.

Additional Info:


Bees will be ready for pick-up approximately end of May into June of 2024. We will contact you to arrange pickup when your nuc is ready.

It is recommended that you order any equipment in addition to your nuc ahead of time either by phone or through this website as the pick-up day/s tend to be very busy.

Nucs are packaged as the 5 frames of bees and resources in temporary cardboard, plastic or wooden nuc boxes for transport. You will then install the frames in your equipment.


Cancellation Policy:

  • Refunds will be charged a $50 cancellation fee (per nuc) if requested before April 15, 2024.
  • Refunds will be charged a $100 cancellation fee (per nuc) if requested between April 16, 2024– April 30, 2024.
  • No refunds for cancellations made on/after May 1, 2024.